Account Deletion

The account deletion feature enables you to delete the account easily so that no trace of your monitoring is left behind when you cease your use of iKeyMonitor. It adds more security and relief to the end of the monitoring process.

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  • Remove the logs from the Cloud Panel iosAndroid
  • Delete the account iosAndroid
  • iOS iOS All iPhone, iPad
  • Android Android All Android Devices
  • ios jailbroken iOS (JB) Jailbroken iPhone, iPad
  • Android rooted Android(Root) Root Required
  • ios-icloud iOS(iCloud) iCloud Credentials Required
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Why Is the Account Deletion Feature Useful?

When the mission of iKeyMonitor spy app is successfully achieved, you may want to say goodbye to it. Although we are sorry that you do not want to use iKeyMonitor anymore, we offer the account deletion option for you on the Cloud Panel because we want you to experience the convenient privacy protection at all times.

Ensure Privacy and Security

When you decide to stop using the iKeyMonitor spy app, the account deletion function allows you to remove the account information and all the monitoring records related to it. In this way, no one can monitoring into your account or discover your monitoring logs. This ensures the privacy protection of the monitored party and yourself to the largest degree.

Stop Using the Account Anytime

Whether you are a paid customer or a free trial user, as long as you want to cease using iKeyMonitor, you can delete your account by tapping on the account deletion option on the cloud panel. In this way, all the monitoring activities by iKeyMonitor will be terminated. You can handle it all by yourself in a quick and easy way, without sending a request to us via email or live chat.

In conclusion, the account deletion feature in iKeyMonitor ensures that you can delete your account without the concern of leaving any trace. Besides, it avoids someone else trying to monitoring into your account and steal your private information. The security level is greatly increased. This feature is also a precondition allowing you to use iKeyMonitor safely.